Failure to comply with Rules & Regulations governing the use of Lambton Kent and St. Clair Catholic District School Board facilities may result in permit cancellation, without reimbursement, and at no cost or liability to the boards. CLASS reserves the right to refuse approval or cancel any permits issued if deemed necessary for the best interests of the Boards.

Code of Conduct

All persons, while on Board property, must adhere to the Board’s Code of Conduct Procedures which outline acceptable standards of behaviour, and maintain a safe, positive environment free from violence. LKDSB  SCCDSB


Board facilities/equipment are maintained in accordance with current operational standards and the Boards provide no stated or implied warranty as to the suitability or condition of their facilities or equipment for the rental group’s purposes. The Applicant accepts the facilities and equipment on an “as is” basis at the Applicant’s own risk.


Assignment of subletting the permitted premises to a third party is prohibited, permits are non-transferable and must be used by the organization they are issued to.


CLASS reserves the right to cancel a permit or date(s) within a permit if the space is required for a school/board program. CLASS, the LKDSB and the SCCDSB assume no responsibility for expenses, distress, disappointment, frustration and/or inconvenience resulting from cancellations or alterations to permits. If a permit holder needs to cancel a permit or date(s) within a permit they must follow the process outlined on the Cancellations & No-Shows page of this website.

Hold Harmless

Permit holders must agree to assume full responsibility for the acts and conduct of all persons admitted for the rental and to release, indemnify and save harmless CLASS, the schools, the Boards and their staff or agents from any and all liability to any persons or property which may arise as a result of the rental. School board insurance does not protect permit holders, users, or user groups.

Liability & Insurance

Applicants must provide proof of insurance; the policy must cover the Boards from and against all risks that may arise out of the rental. If insurance isn’t provided, appropriate coverage is available through a third-part provider at the Permit Holder’s expense. Further details can be found on the Insurance Requirements page of this website.

Property Damage/Loss

Damages must be reported immediately to the custodian and to the Rental Office the next business day using the online Damage Report, accessed via the Incident Report page of this website. Financial responsibility for damages to Board property are borne by the permit holder.


Advertising distributed by rental groups may not be presented in such a way that the Boards are seen to endorse the rental group or specific activities of the rental. No advertising regarding a rental shall be displayed on Board property unless otherwise approved by the Board. The school’s name can only appear on advertisements as a location site.


Rental groups must have adequate on-site adult supervision (21 years or older) for the duration of the rental period, one of which being the ‘Event Supervisor’ listed on the permit. Groups renting multiple spaces must have an Event Supervisor in charge of each space. Event Supervisors are responsible for the conduct and supervision of all persons admitted for the rental and must ensure all regulations are enforced.

Access to School Facilities

Event Supervisors must be the first members of the group to enter the school and the last to leave. The start time on the permit indicates when Event Supervisors may enter the school and the finish time indicates when the school must be vacated. It is their responsibility to ensure participants remain with rented areas.

  • DOORS MUST REMAIN LOCKED. The school door will be unlocked at the start time indicated on the permit and locked after Event Supervisors have entered the school. Event Supervisors are responsible for providing access for late arrivals. Rental groups should not let anyone into the school who isn’t a member of their program.
  • DOORS MUST NOT BE PROPPED OPEN and at no time shall latches be tampered with or obstructed.


Parking’s permitted in designated parking areas only, do not block fireways, driveways or park (drive) on the grass.

Facilities and Equipment

  • Help us care for our facilities; clean, dry, non-marking rubber soled shoes should be worn for all indoor sports activities and food/flavoured beverages may not be brought into gyms or theatres.
  • Ensure floor surfaces are protected from damages that may occur as a result of dance activities such as providing portable floor covering to protect floors from tap dancing
  • Don’t apply tape, staples, pins, wax, powder or any other preparations to floors/walls/ceilings or alter facilities without board approval.
  • If classrooms are used chalkboards, equipment and teacher aids must not be disturbed and the rooms must be left in their original state of order.
  • Don’t adjust mechanical equipment such as gym dividers or bleachers, changes required must be noted during the application process.
  • Requests for the use of school equipment must be submitted during the application process, if equipment is lost or damaged the permit holder is responsible for all replacement and/or repair costs.
  • Rental groups are responsible for the set-up and take-down for their event and changes or alterations may not be made to any facilities unless expressly permitted.
  • Schools may not be rented for activities that may damage facilities such as, but not limited to the use of gyms for lacrosse, cricket, roller skating, roller derby, baseball, football, tennis, golf, dodge ball, floor/ball hockey.

Asbestos Advisory

The permit holder acknowledges the permitted premises and the buildings in which same are located may contain asbestos and/or asbestos-containing materials and the permit holder accepts the permitted premises subject to this caveat. Information with respect to locations of the substance is available from the school Principal.

Food & Beverages

If rental groups wish to sell or serve food or non-alcoholic beverages they must request permission during the application process and comply with Ministry of Health and Fire Safety Regulations. At the discretion of CLASS, concession services may by accepted or rejected. It’s the rental groups responsibility to determine if a Vendor Permit is required. Rental groups may not bring cooking equipment into schools or use any school cafeteria supplies or equipment.

Health & Safety

Animals, apart from service animals, are not permitted on board property. Nuts, nut products, shellfish and latex (e.g. balloons) are common allergens and may pose significant health risks to students and community members and are not permitted on Board property.

Prohibited Activities

School facilities may not be used in any manner contrary to the Ministry of Education, Lambton Kent or St. Clair Catholic District School Board’s Rules & Regulations. Games of chance, illegal activities, activities involving the use and/or discharge of weapons, fireworks, dry ice, fog/smoke machines or pyrotechnical devices are not permitted on Board property. Alcohol, smoking, and/or holding lighted tobacco and/or cannabis products, shisha or imitation smoking-related products and accessories, including e-cigarettes and vaporizers, are not permitted on Board property.

Emergency Response

All rental groups must have an appropriate plan in place to deal with emergencies, such as: medical emergencies, fire, natural disasters etc. while on board property. Event Supervisors must have a cell phone with them during the rental and the number must be listed on the rental permit.

  • Event Supervisors should familiarize themselves with the school’s layout; location of AED, fire exits, outdoor ‘assembly areas’ etc. A site tour can be scheduled with the Rental Office prior to the first rental date.
  • Event Supervisors are responsible for the enforcement of all Fire Safety Regulations and must inform participants & spectators of emergency evacuation procedures. ‘Fire Wardens’ should be appointed for large community events. Obstructions must never be placed in corridors or in front of fire exits and at no time should fire protection equipment be disabled or impeded.
  • If an injury occurs the Event Supervisor should take appropriate emergency response (first aid, call 911 etc.) and then report the incident to the custodian. If a critical injury occurs the Event Supervisor should stop activities, vacate/secure the site, obtain medical treatment, and report the incident to the custodian. Additionally, the Permit Holder must report injuries to the Rental Office the next business day using the online Injury Report, located on the Incident Reporting page of this website.

Concussion Management

Rental groups are expected to have a concussion protocol in place containing information on concussion prevention, identifying symptoms and signs of a concussion, initial response procedures for a suspected concussion, and management procedures for a diagnosed concussion, including a return to physical activity plan. For your reference the following links provide access to the Boards Concussion Administrative Procedures. LKDSB  SCCDSB

Additionally, the following rules & regulations apply to the rental of outdoor spaces:

Non-Rentable Outdoor Spaces

Playgrounds/cement pads/basketball courts are not ‘rentable’ areas, if the public use these areas they do so at their own risk. Parking lots are only rented if they are the PRIMARY area for the rental. Overnight parking is not permitted, and parking lots may NOT be rented for sporting activities or personal use such as residents parking.

Prohibited Outdoor Rental Activities

Prohibited activities include but are not limited to; hot air balloon/helicopter rides, snowmobiles/ATV’s, fireworks, skating rinks, drones, carnival type equipment/rides, handing out/displaying/releasing balloons.

Washroom Access is Not Provided for Outdoor Rentals

Rental groups are responsible for coordinating portable washrooms to meet their needs and must remove them within an agreed upon time.

Electrical Access is Not Provided for Outdoor Rentals

If portable generators are used they must be sectioned off from the public and exposed electrical wiring covered by rubber matting. Rental groups may need to contact Electrical Safety Authority to obtain necessary approvals.

Condition Inspection

Groups must inspect the condition of fields to ensure they’re in good condition, play isn’t permitted under the following conditions:

  • Evidence of surface water – ponding
  • Saturated field – water sponging around feet
  • Steady downpour which could cause damage to field or injury to participants


Must be at least 11 meters from buildings and 15 meters from property lines. ABC Fire Extinguisher must be on hand and persons operating the barbeques trained to operate the Extinguisher. If propane barbeques are used persons operating them must have a Propane Handling Certification.

Movie Nights

Necessary copyright licensing must be obtained.


Rental groups are responsible for the clean-up/removal of litter and recycled materials during & post event. Failure to restore grounds to their original condition may result in cancellation of future permits and additional fees.


If groups want to install a tent, fencing or any non-free-standing structures, requiring staking/pegging they must request permission during the application process and contact Ontario One Call, 30 days prior to their event to arrange a stakeout of line grounds.

Installation of Structures

If groups want to install a large tent, stage or any other structures they must request permission during the application process and contact the Municipality to determine if special permits are required.


Outdoor spaces shouldn’t be used if lightning/thunder are observed. Move from open field to a safe location away, from metal or tall structures, wait at least 30 minutes from last observed lightning or thunder before resuming activities.

Amplified Sound

Municipal Noise By-Laws prohibit amplified sound between specific hours and prohibit noise “likely to disturb”.  Where applicable, groups should obtain exemption to Noise By-Law for use of amplified sound.

Rules & Regulations – Aug 2024