School/Board Cancellations
School programs administered by the school/board have priority use of school space during and after regular school hours.
School/board sanctioned events may supersede a community use rental booking and a permit or date(s) within a permit may be cancelled at the school/boards request if it becomes necessary to use the reserved accommodation for school/board use. Reasonable effort will be made to provide the permit holder with adequate notice.
CLASS, the Lambton Kent District School Board and the St. Clair Catholic District School Board assume no responsibility for expenses, distress, disappointment, frustration and/or inconvenience resulting from cancellations or alterations to permits.
Rental Group Cancellations
Rental groups are asked to do their best to only apply for the dates and times they require. If a permit holder needs to cancel a date they are asked to send a note through the ‘Discussion Area’ of the applicable permit or call and speak with someone at the Rental Office regarding the cancellation at least three business days in advance of the booking.
The Rental Office requires a minimum of three business days’ notice as time is required to process cancellations, advise schools and custodial staff and, in some cases, book other groups in available spaces.
A $25 late cancellation charge applies if less than three business days’ notice is provided. Rental groups must notify the Rental Office no later than 3pm if they are cancelling their evening booking. Permit holders that do not provide adequate cancellation notice and do not show up for a booking are charged No-Show Fees.
School/Board Inclement Weather Cancellations
The decision to close schools due to extreme weather is usually made early in the morning and communicated on the board’s websites and through local media. If schools are closed during the school day due to extreme weather, or any other causes beyond control of the boards, then those schools are generally closed to community use permits that day/night. CLASS will electronically notify affected groups.
If buses are cancelled but schools are open, then community use permits are still scheduled to take place.
Rental Group Inclement Weather Cancellations
Weekday Rentals – If schools are open during the day but the weather becomes questionable, rental groups are asked to notify the Rental Office no later than 3pm if they are cancelling their evening booking. If groups do not notify the Rental Office by 3pm on the day of their booking and do not show-up for their evening rental, then No-Show charges apply.
Weekend Use – If a rental group has booked a weekend rental and feels the weather is cause for cancellation of their booking, they are asked to notify the Rental Office no later than 3pm on the Friday prior to their rental. If the extreme weather was not forecast and the rental group was unable to predict the need to cancel until the day of their booking, they are asked to contact the After-Hours number on their permit no later than 7am on the day of the booking ($25 service fee applies). If groups do not notify the Rental Office by 3pm on the Friday prior to their rental OR by 7am on the day of the booking and do not show-up, then No-Show charges apply. If it is determined that an unnecessary call was made to the After-Hours number, the Permit Holder will be charged a $50 Penalty Fee + any call-out charges incurred by the board. The Permit Holder should report notice of same day inclement weather weekend cancellations to the Rental Office the next school day by calling the Rental Office or posting a comment to the discussion section of the applicable rental permit.
No-Show Charges
If rental groups fail to utilize a scheduled time slot the Permit Holder will be charged a $55 penalty fee + unsubsidized rental & custodial costs incurred by the board.